Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Trading the SPY Trendline -- 27-Oct-09

SPY has been on a classic trend line for several months.  My observation is that the stock market is no respect of  charts, but lots of people follow the charts and trade accordingly--so I use charts as a psychological predictor.  According to the trend line, SPY should bottom around 105.5 in this current cycle and then start making its way back up again.   I plan to jump into SPY at around that point.

Click chart to enlarge.


Mark said...

New to the site, its pretty nice. Why do you use the the ETF's instead of the major indexes? One thing I think you might find interesting is tracking the relationship of the VIX, VXN, VXO, and RVX. Anyway, great work!

VanceH- said...

Hi Mark, I don't follow the Dow because it is so narrow, and SPY tracks the S&P 500. Got burned pretty good in the 2000 crash so that is probably why I don't follow the NASDAQ. Since I trade primarily in these ETFs as opposed to individual stocks it seems simpler to just watch the ETFs. Perhaps I don't understand your question.

I haven't spent hardly any time on the other volatility indexes. I will take a closer look. I don't view any of them as predictive, but I think they are very interesting measures of human psychology.